Company Training

The concept of well-being over the years has undergone numerous changes, moving to a broader and more comprehensive view that is no longer focused on the idea of absence of illness, but identified as an overall state of good physical and mental health.

An increasing number of companies, work groups, and sports facilities are investing in creating “useful and healthy” spaces for their employees and/or customers. These training strategies have been adopted because it has been proven that even in times of crisis, people do not give up what makes them feel good, the pursuit of well-being in fact leads to re-establishing balance on one’s center, making the individual responsible and the protagonist of their own evolutionary success.


Target Demographic

From these considerations arises the creation of training programs focused on personal well-being management.

The creation of well-being has important correlations with personal, relational, cognitive, and work growth, in fact, people who are healthy and aware of it are more productive, attentive, and motivated.

Those who are capable of becoming the authors of their own well-being instinctively acquire abilities of concentration, self-discipline and the improvements are reflected both in the private sphere and in the working life.

Program Objectives

To achieve well-being, it is necessary to define where you want to improve, plan a strategy, follow it with consistency, dedication, and according to the planned deadlines.

The creation of well-being often follows the rules of success applied to the world of sports. The “sports trainer” is also a guarantee of coherence and awareness, a successful athlete who becomes a successful trainer, in fact, rarely offers planned program on theoretical concepts studied in books, but creates paths that often come from their own sports growth experience.

As always, sport is a merit-based world, there will never be an athlete who reaches the pinnacle without having top-level abilities This condition is inevitably a guarantee of quality when successfully administering the program.

Why propose a program
on well-being?

Often in training courses people are educated to “do, do, do.”
The education of skills usually takes precedence, but skills (the “know-how”) can be developed much better if supported by a good awareness (the “know-how to feel”).

the primary goal of the training
is to become

Personal well-being must necessarily pass through the awareness of one’s starting point and, subsequently, must be built in a graduated and concordant way to one’s nature.
Education leads the candidate to be the focal point and the proposed paths aim to make them experience how improvement and success pass exclusively from their WILL.

Training Programs

Training programs can be divided into “spot programs” or “endurance programs” allowing companies to orient their choices according to their own training philosophies. The training programs aim for a simple and alternative path based on the following principle:

“doing does not necessarily mean knowing how to do”

The core of the program is the human being and the activity that he performs in a permanent, habitual, and innate way, that is, breathing.
Our training programs have been created starting from the awareness of what is done instinctively and gradually lead to the optimization of the function itself.
All programs can be developed in a stationary context (company) or in alternative locations as agreed with the client.

Duration of Well-being Formats

Currently, there are three formats that are most in demand, the mode of delivery is chosen in agreement with the interested company:

Format Adaptation

Ideal for companies that want to create an internal well-being center. A physical space in which one or more times a week employees can attend training sessions during lunch breaks, or in dedicated moments.

The principle:
Do little, but do it often“.
Frequency in fact becomes the key to success.

Format Intensive

One or two days of intensive training in which candidates will be led in the construction of their own well-being identity, subsequently, they will learn specific techniques for improving awareness and competence in the work areas related to breathing.
A method of “training” to be used independently will also be proposed because only through practice can tangible changes be achieved.

The principle:
Explore new roads to discover new destinations”.

Format Team Building

Prolonged training that involves participants in programs that range from 3 to 5 days of training. These programs are usually combined with special and natural contexts where it is possible to operate through engaging training.
The recreational aspect, in fact, lowers communication barriers and improves learning abilities.

The principle:
Learn in a recreational didactic context”.


We believe that the success of a project should follow keywords that motivate management to invest in it.
A more detailed analysis of the type of training to be developed can be addressed and elaborated at a later time.

For further information

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