Why Moving Limits

Moving Limits was born out of a deep love for water and for the wonderful discipline of freediving.
Too often the teacher and/or instructor forgets that his or her final stage of training cannot be the starting point of his or her student. Often we get lost behind the philosophy of freediving with abstract concepts such as “RELAX” or “BOND WITH THE WATER ELEMENT” or “LOOK INTO YOURSELF.” These are all very poetic concepts, but if not followed by specific content, they risk to remain simply beautiful phrases that founder in the uncertainty of the student.

In Moving Limits, the instructors’ goal is to be “the tool” of the water, that is to be a conduit that, through the teaching of theory and practice in the water, allows students to experience freediving in a way that is fun, effective, calibrated to personal ability, and safe.

Moving Limits is our way for you to experience endless improvement. Each time we evolve with new aquatic skills our way of being in the water becomes more effective and effortless and our limits move further and further.

Our mission is to accompany you on this beautiful journey.

Mission Moving Limits

Moving Limits aims to be a place for meeting and sharing. Very often we hear about exclusive realities, but for us it is important to be inclusive. A place where confrontation and diversity are a resource for collective growth. The ultimate goal is to identify the best paths that can enable the growth of people who join Moving Limits, but also to be a reference point and culture for the entire freediving community.

Where Moving Limits

Moving Limits is structured in realities of various types: on_site, workshops, books and digital.

On_site: local and ongoing realities where freedivers can take part in freediving courses, and training with quarterly, semester or yearly schedules thanks to Moving Limits instructors who teach year-round at the facilities where Moving Limits is established.

Workshops: Intensive courses developed on specific topics. Workshops can be developed in evenings, weekends or weeks of training depending on the program chosen.

Books: The outreach project begins with the most classic method, that is, the publication of manuals that aspire to explain in a simple and reproducible way by everyone the basis on which the practice of apnea is based. The response of the freediving community to the educational material has been enthusiastic translating into thousands of copies sold and adoption of the text by several freediving schools. Federico from 2008 to 2015 published as many as 6 manuals, becoming one of the most popular trainers. Breathing and clearing are his specialties.


Libro "Tecniche respirazione apnea"


Libro "La compensazione apnea"






Libro "Allenare l'apnea profonda"


PUBLISHER: New Techniques

Digital: A digital teaching platform

Moving Limits has grown, is a living community with its own identity but has narrow boundaries and cannot reach all the people who would like to be supported by its programs. A desire to expand these boundaries, and give birth to a space that can be reached by all, was born. Therefore, a new tool needs to be identified to disseminate the Moving Limits method throughout the World. In 2015 and 2016 Moving Limits and ML project put together their expertise to transform knwoeldge and information into digital content designed by Federico Mana in order to teach equalization. SHARE EQUALIZATION a digital platform entirely dedicated to teaching equalization is born. The project initially seems impossibile because it is complex for freedivers to understand how it is possible to learn how to equalize better by practicing only on a dry basis especially when guided by an instructor who is not by their side but is behind a monitor on the other side of the world. Despite initial misgivings, the results achieved by those who took part in the programs generated such enthusiasm that in just a few years program participants grew exponentially, leading TEAM SHARE EQUALIZATION to have all the courses in 4 languages (Italian – English – Spanish – French) and over 100 SHARE EQUALIZATION INSTRUCTORS. distributed all over the world.

Would you like to be mentored by a Moving Limits instructor or become a Share Equalization instructor? Contact us and tell us your goals, and we will put you in touch with the instructor best suited to your needs.

Federico Mana

Founder Moving Limits

I wanted to become a professional basketball player but injuries and athletic immaturity at that time caused me to lose determination and I stopped striving for my goal (probably too early). Goodbye dreams of professionalism. Optometry practice. I am young, I am 25 years old and become a trainer , it is a beautiful job that I will never stop doing (although in another field). I love learning things, experiencing them and transferring them to others. Over the years of study I become a “method” lover and discover that I have skills in creating protocols. I like protocols because they break down complexity and get straight to the point. I also love the discipline combined with the protocols because they have made me achieve unthinkable goals for the talents I have.

I met freediving by chance in 1996, and it was an instant love because it combined sports practice with the discipline of the much-loved protocols, and it all took place in the water, an environment I have loved deeply since childhood. After 7 years I become a freediving instructor, I rediscover in assiduous practice the determination that I lacked when I was a basketball player, and I decide to return to the shelved but still pulsating dream in me, I return to the project of wanting to make a living from sports.

I leave my old job as an optometrist, leave the Italian stability to pursue my more original drive and move to Egypt where I dedicate myself to teaching freediving, the daily practice allows me to grow rapidly in performance as well to the point that after only three years I easily dive to heights close to what were Italian records.

I Record

I am 32 years old, have a 2-year-old son and an overflowing desire to be an athlete again. I am far from being the “talented guy,” but I want to redeem myself, I want to prove to myself that with determination and the training protocols I have put in place I can do it. But I am still no one, and in order to train seriously I have to stop working and find sponsors. I tell everyone I know about my ambition, and the energy is so strong that I find fellow adventurers who believe in my project, and I finally set off on this extraordinary adventure. From 2007 to 2011 I achieve 8 Italian records, in 2009 I am the first Italian to touch the triple-digit altitude of 100 meters becoming one of the 10 deepest freedivers in the world. In this journey two big pride factors: the first is that I remain undefeated in all deep disciplines until 2013, the second of which I am much more proud of is the spirit and mood that surrounded me when I was training or when I was competing because I was known as the freediver who in his competitive career had never been recovered in Samba or Black Out. I clearly remember the atmosphere before my dive, it was relaxed and laid back, it was a time of sharing in which everyone would do their best, but would not overdo it to get a result at any cost.

  • Sharm El Sheikh – May 23, 2011 – CNF 65 m
  • Sharm El Sheikh – August 15, 2009 – CWT – 100 m
  • Sharm El Sheikh – August 22, 2009 – FIM – 92 m
  • Sharm El Sheikh – August 24, 2008 Italian record in constant buoyancy – CWT – 89 m
  • Sharm El Sheikh – September 4, 2008 aida team world championships Italian record in constant buoyancy – CWT – 90 m
  • Sharm El Sheikh – November 3, 2007 new Italian record – CNF -60 m
  • Sharm El Sheikh – July 20, 2007 – CNF – 52 m

Founder Moving Limits

Sharm el Sheikh was the ideal place, to grow as a freediver and as an Instructor, but most importantly it allowed me to gather a wealth of information, experience and data that if organized in an effective and simple way could have contributed to the development and dissemination of freediving.

I am 33 years old, I have gathered an incredible amount of information, the training techniques I use on myself as an athlete are proof that there is a solid foundation to achieve improvement, and I need to be part of a community that shares my values and passion for water and teaching. I decide on two parallel paths, publishing books to make popular my methods and creating a place where learning freediving means to aspire not to the number on the depth gauge, but to the evolutionary path.

Performance becomes secondary; it becomes the natural consequence to a progressive and enjoyable growth path. I return to Italy in 2008 and create Moving Limits.

Moving Limits becomes the place where we do not push the limits (in doing so, we risk injury or even worse lose the fun), but approach them gradually and consciously discovering with wonder that the limits are not fixed, but move farther and farther allowing us infinite improvement.

Why become a Moving Limits Instructor

ML SSD arl aims to promote synergy among the people who work and collaborate within it.

This type of organization promotes autonomy and allows each instructor and staff member to develop their own work by indulging their goals and emphasizing their skills.

In order to enable instructors to
best perform the role of “instructor” ML SSD arl prepares a administrative service that will support the operational work of the instructors themselves.

What Moving Limits will do for you:

  • You will be placed on the staff on the Moving Limits site.
  • Publicizing your activities on the ML website and ML Social
  • Contractualization of your collaboration with ML
  • Creation of products related to your activities in the ML online shop
  • Customized access to ML management software for administrative management of your students and activities.
  • Instructional alignment to the Moving Limits activities for which you will be certified to teach
  • Management of amateur sports performance


Do you want to participate in our activities?

Belonging, Sharing, Fun

Find out how to join.


Is the feeling of identification with a group


quality atttraverse through which each individual can evolve


Is the result of creating a joyful environment

Passion occurs when there is a strong enthusiasm to do something; it is from this base that the desire to share arises. When you can share your passion, everything becomes more beautiful.

Become part of our world!

They say about us

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Are you sure you know how you equalize?
Book your clearing check now!

The Equalization check is a dedicated time aimed at all freedivers who encounter equalization problems and wish to understand how to solve them.

This free online meeting of 30 minutes will allow you to better understand your Equalization skills and us to understand your goals and best advise you.

Then you can decide without commitment whether and how to continue your freediving growth.

Register Now

What benefits will you get?

Your experience will be personalized.
You will be able to manage your personal data directly.
Membership in Moving Limits.
Keep your medical certificate up to date.

I tuoi dati personali verranno utilizzati per supportare la tua esperienza in questo sito Web, per gestire l'accesso al tuo account e per altri scopi descritti nella nostra privacy policy.

Register Now

What benefits will you get?

Your experience will be personalized.
You will be able to manage your personal data directly.
Membership in Moving Limits.
Keep your medical certificate up to date.