Equalization – Eustachian Tube opening in the BTV maneuver
Eustachian Tube opening represents a particular combination of head posture and muscles action. During these years we...
Stage de compensation avancé avec Federico Mana – Lanzarote 27-31 octobre 20
Stage de compensation avancé avec Federico Mana - Lanzarote 27-31 octobre 2025 Pourquoi organisons-nous un stage dédié...
23 _25
Workshop y-40 Train the depth in comfort
For beginners and experts
If you want to take part in our activities and you resonate with our values, join us from the Reserved Area through the dedicated button.
Membership costs 30 euros and it is valid for one year from the date of registration.
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Workshop – Training depth in comfort at Y-40
May 2024

Depth is not a goal, it is the consequence.
Since we started working for people, helping them in achieving their goals, we have identified some recurrent equalization variables which we divided into different areas. This helped us, over time, to quickly get into the attunement with people and to organize “real time” increasingly effective water sessions.
Training Depth in Comfort, is the right workshop for those who want to improve in all aspects related to ‘deep freediving’.
You will be taken care by a team of Moving Limits instructors, however, Federico Mana will personally run the whole workshop.
Training Areas:
1) Technique
2) Equalization
3) Air Transition
4) Dive Time
5) Depth Adaptation
More info about the program here.
Dates: 24th – 26th May 2024
The workshop will be held in English and French
From 24 to 26 May 2024
Y-40 The Deep Joy
Croatia, Freediving safari
July 2024

From 13 to 27 July 2024
Bording in Zadar - Marina
Freediving Workshop in Procida 2024 (Naples area)
September 2024

The Freediving workshop is not just a meeting to discover, familiarize and improve one's freediving skills, but it is a celebration, a gathering of friends old and new, a slow and warm place where time flows slowly making everything magically fit together.
In this workshop Procida represents the perfect setting, colors, local hospitality, slowness and scents that will accompany each candidate on an unforgettable journey.
Looking for a Freediving workshop in which awareness, the freediving community, and natural beauty take center stage?
You found what you were looking for!
Next dates: September 12-15, 2024
Contact us at info@movinglimits.com
From 12 to 15 September 2024
Procida Island in Italy
Deep Training with Federico Mana
October 2024

Freediving performance in recent years has increased considerably, and more and more freedivers are asking us for workshops in which they can descend to deeper distances than those defined as the limit of recreational freediving (usually 40 meters). "Deep Training Workshop" was born out of this new need and was designed in a completely new way.
Workshop "abyssal"...
It is the ideal stage for all freedivers who descend beyond 35 meters and aspire to further increase their depths. A workshop new both in organization and program selection.
Were you looking for a workshop in which you could be specifically followed and be able to aspire to the depths? ... good! You found what you were looking for!!!
To find out the details of the internship click here
Next dates: October 21-25, 2024
From 21 to 25 October 2024
Lanzarote - Canary Island
Workshop y-40 Train the depth in comfort
May 2025

Y-40® The Deep Joy is the ideal place for a freediving workshoo thanks to the depth of 42 meters, the temperature of 32-34°C and the exceptional therapeuric qualities of ithe thermal water. You can focus on bodily and emotional perceptions, athletic gestures and equalization in complete safety.
The course is personally held by Federico Mana, assisted by his Moving Limits and Y-40® instructor staff.
Areas we will work on:
- Adaptation to depth
- Technique
- Equalization
- Air transitions
- Dive time
The great master shows you your greatness, not his.
You found what you were looking for!
Next date: 23-24-25 May 2025
Contact us at info@movinglimits.com
From 23 to 25 May 2025
Y-40® The Deep Joy.
Masterclass compensation avec Federico Mana (FRA)
May 2025

Pour la plupart des apnéistes, les difficultés rencontrées pour améliorer la profondeur en apnée en mer et/ou en lac sont directement liées aux difficultés pour compenser. Pour cette raison, le but de ce stage est d’aborder les thématiques de compensation appliquées à la profondeur, à travers des sessions spécifiques théoriques et pratiques.
Pendant les leçons, les élèves vont apprendre à connaître les structures anatomiques concernées par la compensation et, ensuite, à travers un parcours didactique spécifique, ils vont améliorer leur contrôle moteur de la sphère ORL. Les habilités acquises à sec seront donc appliquées pendant les sessions dans l’eau, où les élèves pourront expérimenter ce qu’ils ont appris précédemment.
Le double entraînement, à sec et dans l’eau, se révèle très efficace dans le processus d’apprentissage, car, en partant de la compensation instinctive de chacun, les participants, accompagnés dans un parcours de connaissance de soi, arriveront à gérer les techniques de compensation les plus évoluées avec une conscience et une efficacité de plus en plus fortes.
C’est un stage idéal pour tous les apnéistes qui descendent facilement sur 15 mètres en poids constant ou en immersion libre et qui aspirent à augmenter leur conscience compensatoire. Un stage où la profondeur est la conséquence et non le but.
Thu 29 05 2025 - Sun 01 06 2025
From 29 May to 01 June 2025
Bormes Plongée, 83230 Bormes-les-Mimosas, Francia
The latest news
Equalization – Eustachian Tube opening in the BTV maneuver
Eustachian Tube opening represents a particular combination of head posture and muscles action. During these years we...
L’ hyperventilation
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Equalization devices
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