Why become a freediving instructor?
Are you a freediver looking for continued personal growth?
Do you think sharing knowledge and experiences is good for the wonderful freediving community?
Do other freedivers see you as a benchmark and want to approach teaching with effective, state-of-the-art teaching methods?
Do you want to make your great passion your job?

"If you answered "yes" to at least one of these questions welcome to the Tribe of those who wish to transmit and teach! The Tribe of those who will be able to evolve and become an instrument of sharing."
Federico Mana
The motivations that lead a freediver to the desire to become an instructor can be the most varied, but one point that unites all who face this path is “the love for water and for this wonderful discipline called Apnea. “ At some point practicing freediving is no longer enough, the desire to share this passion, to tell and teach an exciting way of experiencing the underwater world takes over. That world that is composed of 70 percent Water.
Become a protagonist of your time....
- Full-time instructor: more and more freedivers aspire to the role of instructor to make it their job. Pools, the sea and lakes will be your office. Travel to tropical places and seas around the world your work trips. Lovers of the sea, sun, and tribal life will become your clients, and often your fellow adventurers.
- Instructor by passion: as of today this is the most common reality, many instructors already have a job and experience teaching freediving as a great passion that often serves as a second job or more simply generates a community of freedivers who meet regularly under the guidance of their instructor.
Sharing, community, method! These are the values on which it is based teaching Moving Limits
Course organized with a teaching progression that follows the learning pace of the “instructor candidate”!
The course is developed over a period of three to four months to give each candidate a chance to learn and settle what they have learned.
The Moving Limits teaching method will allow you to conduct all theory sessions via online webinars and from the comfort of your own home–all you need is an internet connection!
All lessons conducted online will be recorded and you will have a way to review and revise them whenever you want!
Upon certification as an instructor, you will be able to deliver freediving courses completely independently!
If you’d like, you’ll have a chance to shadow Moving Limits instructors and start getting involved in real teaching settings!
If you would like to be part of the Moving Limits instructor community , you can be part of the most innovative teaching reality in the freediving industry!
You will carry out the entire FITC program – “Freediving instructor Training Course” under the careful supervision of Federico Mana.
Recordman, founder of Moving Limits, creator of modern compensation training courses author of multiple freediving manuals and trainer of freedivers for over 20 years.
His well-established activity in the freediving world makes him one of the leading exponents in training freediving instructors.
Our goal is to teach freediving in a simple, fun and effective way. To do this, we chose to deliver standardized apnea courses from the SSI teaching agency. The advantage of these courses is that they offer level and standardized training in SSI centers around the world. This means that, thanks to the ubiquity of SSI centers and its recognition by all other international teaching, you can practice and teach freediving wherever you want.
Who will be your Trainer?
You will carry out the entire FITC program – “Freediving instructor Training Course” under the careful supervision of Federico Mana.
Recordman, founder of Moving Limits, creator of modern compensation training courses author of multiple freediving manuals and trainer of freedivers for over 20 years.
His well-established activity in the freediving world makes him one of the leading exponents in training freediving instructors.
Requirements and Equipment
…No need to be a superhero is enough….
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be in possession of a medical certificate for noncompetitive sports activity
- Own complete freediving equipment: mask, snorkel, wetsuit, ballast belt, fins and lanyard
- Be a member of Moving Limits for the current season
The course will be held for a minimum of 4 candidates and a maximum of 8 candidates.
The SSI teaching system will enable you to teach consistently with respect to your abilities. In fact, it provides for 5 levels of instructor certification by adapting to the actual needs of the candidate and facilitating teamwork of instructors with different skills and prerequisites.
- Basic Instructor
- Pool Instructor
- Freediver Instructor
- Advanced Freediver Instructor
- Performance Freediver Instructor
Why prerequisites?
During the FITC course, the trainer does not teach how to freedive, but teaches how to teach . We will offer you all the tools to become a true professional in teaching freediving. In the course, in fact, you will learn how to deliver courses, how to convey information and skills in an effective and fun way, how to manage a group, how to motivate them, and how to make them capable and eager to continue in freediving training.
How will you be trained?
Course – FITC SSI
The Freediving Instructor Training Cooure is much more than a certification. It is anexperience that will help define your personal relationship with this wonderful discipline called Apnea, with teaching, with the diving industry as well as with Moving Limits.
The program and tools we have developed, and are developing with your help, are the result of this awareness.
How many training sessions for FITC ?
8 theory sessions in self-study (at home)
8 webinar sessions with Trainer (in your own home)
5 workshops conducted and spread over the 5 intensive days
10 training sessions between Confined and Open Waters (conducted and spread over the 5 intensive days)
2 assessments between Confined and Open Waters (carried out and spread over the 5 intensive days)
How many Training sessions for CROSSOVER ?
The SSI Crossover is dedicated to all those who are already instructors and who wish to become part of the SSI world and be represented by widespread, in-demand and usable teaching throughout the world. As instructors, it is believed that each candidate has already mastered both the freediving skills and the skills of teaching the classical exercises required by the common standards of the various didactics. So theCrossover experience will help educate the candidate about the SSI teaching system to define how you handle learners during their training.
The FITC training program is a stupendous experience when experienced in its entirety, Moving Limits operates in standards extension, that is, it inserts an additional training portion to the SSI minimum standards because it aspires to convey the most in instructor training. That’s why we highly recommend that anyone interested in Crossover take part in the entire FITC ptorgram
- 15 theory sessions in self-study (at home)
- 8 webinar sessions with Trainer (in your own home)
- 2 workshops conducted and spread over the 2 intensive days
- 2 training sessions between Confined and Open Waters (conducted and spread over the 2 intensive days)
- 2 assessments between Confined and Open Waters (carried out and spread over the 5 intensive days)
Some additional info on the program:
Register for the course and begin your educational experience immediately. Moving Limits like all living organisms evolves. We want to make your FITC an experience, comprehensive, useful and enjoyable, and so we have developed an environment that facilitates learning in the adult.
It is a space in which there will be alternating moments of training through digital means and others where the whole group will sit in person for collective training moments. This environment allows for content consultation and moments of exchange and discussion between instructor candidates and the Trainer. Self-study is the foundation of this exchange; you will have access to the training materials, review questions, training standards, video tutorials, and webinar lessons conducted by your Trainer.
Webinars represent the strength of Moving Limits. These are real live trainings in which you can participate directly from home and by connecting to the virtual class led by the Trainer. The webinars are actual meetings, workshops ( about 120 min.) devoted to important topics addressed in the theory sessions and/or simulations of a theoretical lecture, briefing and/or debriefing.
We will experiment together with approaches, teaching methodologies and classroom management techniques through the most advanced teaching systems.
Sea and/or Y40 training is the most beautiful, the most exciting, but also the most complex because it is the one subject to the most variables of disturbance and potential danger. This training is also organized in intensive training days during which the teaching of vertical apnea will be addressed. Demonstrations of the exercises, and of group management, given the profoundly different context, will follow different patterns than those seen for confined waters.
These sessions, each lasting at least 90 min are essential to acquire and consolidate all the automatisms that will enable you to teach effectively and confidently.
Pool training represents one of the pivotal aspects that an instructor must know how to conduct. The intensive training days will cover exercise demonstrations, teaching and group management techniques, complete with error recognition and management. Rescue procedures will be included.
These sessions, each lasting at least 90 min are essential to acquire and consolidate all the automatisms that will enable you to teach effectively and safely