SSI Freediving Courses


The courses are standardised courses with certification at the end of the course once the requirements have been met.

There are several freediving agencies in the world, Moving Limits delivers SSI Freediving courses, and has specialised in Equalization courses thanks to   SHAREEQUALIZATION method entirely dedicated to the world of equalization .

SSI Freediving Courses

Internationally recognised certifications

Capillary agency all over the world.

These are courses developed by the historic SSI agency that certifies people to practise freediving.
Moving Limits chose this agency because it has a worldwide coverage and because its certifications are internationally recognised. SSI has invested heavily in online teaching, allowing candidates to access teaching materials directly from their computers, tablets or smartphones.
Easy access to information makes the training very lean and effective, leaving plenty of room for practice and fun.

Pool Freediver o Freediver

If you are approaching freediving for the first time, this is the right place for you!

Moving Limits offers you a freediving course according to SSI (Scuba School International) standards. An experience that you can limit to the pool (Pool Course) or extend to the sea and/or Y-40 – the world’s deepest thermal water pool (Freediver Course).

Requirements for enrolling in the course

  • being able to swim
  • have reached the age of 12
  • medical certificate for competitive or non-competitive sporting activity (more details)
  • being a member of Moving Limits

Advanced Freediver

If you are interested in a second level course, it means that you have chosen a path of growth and are ready to measure yourself with depth.

Limits offers you an advanced freediving course in accordance with SSI (Scuba School International) standards. A unique experience that will allow you to discover deeper and deeper emotions.

Requirements for enrolling in the course

  • SSI Freediver certification or other equivalent education
  • have reached the age of 15
  • medical certificate for competitive or non-competitive sporting activity
  • being a member of Moving Limits

Performance Freediver

This last step in the recreational path of a freediver represents the highest level of training before jumping into the professional world. Having reached this point, there is only one motivation: to immerse oneself body and soul in freediving.

Moving Limits offers you the latest level of the SSI (Scuba School International) course to discover the abyss and its depths.

Requirements for enrolling in the course:

  • be 18 years of age
  • be in possession of an Advanced Freediver’s Certificate or other equivalent qualification
  • be in possession of a medical certificate for non-competitive sporting activity
  • be a member of Moving Limits for the current season

SSI Instructor Course

Are you a freediver looking for continued personal growth?
Are you an instructor who wishes to be part of the SSI world?
Do you think sharing knowledge and experiences is good for the wonderful freediving community?
Do other freedivers see you as a reference and want to approach teaching with effective, state-of-the-art teaching methods?
Do you want to make your great passion your job?
If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions welcome to the tribe of those who wish to transmit and teach!

Quarterly Training

The trainings are organized in 2 stages:

  1. Breathing and Relaxation Techniques Muscle Strengthening Stretching
  2. water training (dynamic apnea with and without equipment, and static apnea)

Course enrollment requirements (check in your Private Area):

  • Active membership in Moving Limits
  • freediving certification/patent (any teaching)
  • medical certificate for AGONISTIC sports activity (we recommend a medical certificate specifically for apnea or diving activity that includes an examination by an otolaryngologist)

What do I need to know before writing?

Equalization Courses

Significantly improve descent technique

More relaxed and deeper descents…

These are innovative courses developed by Share Equalization, a didactic exclusively dedicated to equalization of which Federico Mana is a co-founder.
Equalization is the first major limitation to deep descent; you often find yourself coming back to the surface from a dive feeling like you still have breath-hold time, but those damn ears won’t equalize so you have to stop. Share Equalization courses enable freedivers to gain control and coordination of the structures involved in the equalization while significantly improving descent technique.
The consequence? More relaxed and deeper descents…


We designed this first step of the training course dedicated to equalization, thinking of all the people who are attracted to the blue, but cannot peacefully experience the sea because they feel pain in their ears from the very first meters. We also thought of those who feel they lack smooth, effective equalization mechanisms and would like to improve them to increase enjoyment and decrease risk.
If you too cannot enjoy a dive because of the problems caused by equalization, click here to find out what it is, what you will learn and how you will learn it…
Teaching materials available in:

  • Italian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French


The evolution of equalization techniques has made it possible, even for recreational freedivers to reach significant heights. Knowing how to perform evolved Frenzel techniques and/or the Frenzel/Fattah maneuver, (mouthfill), correctly means experiencing depth with more serenity and awareness.
If you too dream of a deep dive but encounter problems caused by equalization, click here to find out what it is, what you will learn and how you will learn it…
Teaching materials available in:

  • Italian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French


It is difficult to define freediving and the feelings we get when we dive into the blue. Freedom, serenity and silence are just some of the most recurring meanings. The hands-free maneuver amplifies these sensations and makes each dive easier and more natural.
If you too dream of a dive in the blue in complete freedom, without needing to bring your hands to your nose to equalize, click here to find out what it is, what you will learn and how you will learn it…
Teaching materials available in:

  • Italian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

Full Training Basic

We designed this training course dedicated to equalization, thinking of all the people who are attracted to the blue, but are unable to experience the sea peacefully because they feel pain in their ears from the very first meters and
To those who feel they lack smooth and effective equalization mechanisms
We know that before using the proper techniques in the water it is fondamental to have learned them first in the dry, which is why this course includes a DRY training part first and only secondarily in the WATER.
If you too cannot enjoy a dive because of the problems caused by equalization, click here to find out what it is, what you will learn and how you will learn it…
Teaching materials available in:

  • Italian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

Full Training Advanced

We designed this training course dedicated to evolved equalization, thinking of all freedivers who descend with an instinctive Frenzel at some point and find themselves at an altitude where this maneuver is no longer effective. In this course you will learn how to perform Evolved Frenzel techniques and the much coveted Mouth-fill. Our decade-long experience has shown us that the speed of improvement is significantly greater for those who first learned the proper techniques in the water before using them on dry land. This is the reason why this course includes a DRY training part first and only secondarily WET.
Click here to find out what it is, what you will learn and how you will learn it…
Teaching materials available in:

  • Italian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

Share Compensation Instructor Course

The world’s first fully online course to become a certified Share Equalisation instructor.

Imagine, for a moment, a world where everyone can experience safe freediving while having fun and equalization is as simple as breathing. This is our vision and it guides everything we do

5 good reasons to choose this course

  1. Because you feel useless when your students have a problem and you are the happiest person in the world when you have helped them progress
  2. Because you are tired of courses where you are bombarded with information, handed a textbook, and after a month you feel like you know the theory but don’t know how to use it to make your students improve
  3. Because in 2022 it is not only the content, skill, and record of the teacher that makes the difference but the method and tools that support his/her way of teaching
  4. Because to build the Share method, we studied adult learning mechanisms and applied them to our content and experience
  5. Because our goal is to help people equalize, not to certify instructors
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Are you sure you know how you equalize?
Book your Equalization Check now!

The Equalization check is a dedicated time aimed at all freedivers who encounter equalization problems and wish to understand how to solve them.

This free online meeting of 30 minutes will allow you to better understand your Equalization skills and us to understand your goals and best advise you.

Then you can decide without commitment whether and how to continue your freediving growth.

Register Now

What benefits will you get?

Your experience will be personalized.
You will be able to manage your personal data directly.
Membership in Moving Limits.
Keep your medical certificate up to date.

I tuoi dati personali verranno utilizzati per supportare la tua esperienza in questo sito Web, per gestire l'accesso al tuo account e per altri scopi descritti nella nostra privacy policy.

Register Now

What benefits will you get?

Your experience will be personalized.
You will be able to manage your personal data directly.
Membership in Moving Limits.
Keep your medical certificate up to date.