Privacy statement and Policy

In compliance with art. 13 of the Legislative Decree of the 30th June 2003 nr. 196
“Rules concerning the protection of personal data”

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ML Project erl based in Milano (Italy), Corso Vittorio Emanuele II n. 39 (Tax Code Nr. 10072900961), in its capacity of “Holder of the Treatment” communicates you, in compliance with art. 13 of the Legislative Decree nr. 196/2003, the following information concerning the treatment of the personal data of the users of portal and of the services that are available on: e

  1. Nature of the treated data and aims of the treatment.
    Due to technical reasons, the consultation of the portal can imply the treatment of the following data that can be directly or indirectly referred to the user.
    1.1) Navigation data: they are technical information that are automatically acquired by the information system during consultation, through communication protocols; these data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the portal and to check its functioning and are not associated to identifiable users, even if they may allow to indirectly identify the user by association with data owned by third parties.
    1.2) Data for using online services: they are personal data of the user requested for online registration and acknowledgment to the restricted area of the portal and allow the use of the relative services, among which receiving newslwtter and mail message via MailUp.

  2. Treatment modes.
    Navigation data are automatically eliminated by the system after processing statistical data.
    All the users’ personal data are handled through the use of computer-based tools in a lawful and fair mode for the purpose of achieving the aims mentioned above and will be protected by adopting suitable security measures granting their confidentiality, integrity, exactness, availability and updating. They be kept for period of time no longer then that one that is required by the aims for which they were collected and further on handled.

  3. Nature of the data transmission.
    The transmission of personal data by the user is voluntary and strictly linked to the use of the online services (among which: webinar, virtual classroom recoreded and availble only for the partecipants on their restricted area); in case of refusal the requested activity hall not be started or completed.

  4. Subjects dealing personal data.
    The treatment of the user’s personal data is carried on in the University’s premises by the personnel in charge of the use of the company’s equipments, prior to identification and authorization.

  5. Rights of the concerned person.
    The concerned person can claim the rights as per art. 7 of the Legislative Decree nr. 196\2003 and in particular request the Holder to confirm whether there are or there not any personal data of his own, their updating, amendment or, if interested, their integration, cancellation, modification into an anonymous format or blocking unlawfully treated data. The concerned person can make the above-mentioned requests at: tel. +39 393 905 4908 email .


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I tuoi dati personali verranno utilizzati per supportare la tua esperienza in questo sito Web, per gestire l'accesso al tuo account e per altri scopi descritti nella nostra privacy policy.

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